Hunt, Laird

5 Articles

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Float Up, Sing Down: Stories

While the stories work as stand-alone pieces, they also form a beautiful whole. This is a loving portrait of small-town Middle America that resonates well beyond its borders.


During an early scene, Zorrie and her friends toss flakes of radium paint into the air and stare with wonder at its seemingly miraculous glow. Through an ordinary life of hard work and simple pleasures, Zorrie comes to learn the real wonder is life itself. A quiet, beautifully done, and memorable novel.

In the House in the Dark of the Woods

Occasionally puzzling in purpose, this atmospheric book still absorbs like the best dark fairy tales and will leave readers chilled to the bone. [See Prepub Alert, 4/9/18.]

The Evening Road

A strength of this novel is that Hunt doesn't moralize but leaves readers to draw their own conclusions. Another plus is his vivid, pungent prose and racy dialog. Advisory: it gets pretty raw. Well recommended where fine writing is prized.


Historical fiction fans will not be disappointed by this wonderful story of Ash's struggles with her identity and of her personal ties to the war. An amazing book. [See Prepub Alert, 3/31/14.]

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